Candlelighters logo

Raise awareness and funds for local families facing childhood cancer.

Whether you are an individual, a business or group of coworkers, a service organization, a student, or a family there are so many ways you can contribute. Read below for some fun fundraising ideas, or come up with your own ways to give.

Questions for our team about fundraising?  Contact Salena, or fill out a quick form to get started!

Here for Hope

Individual & Team Fundraising

DIY fundraising is a wonderful and rewarding way to honor your friend, family member, or coworker who has a child battling pediatric cancer.

We have some fun, ready-to-go fundraisers to choose from. Start sharing support in minutes!

T-Shirts & Hoodies
Wear your support! Purchase Candlelighters’ new for 2024 Stand Together t-shirt, hoodie, or crewneck to show your support and start a conversation. All net profits go to Candlelighters. Visit to shop!

You can also share our t-shirt fundraiser page on social media to grow the reach of this fundraiser.

Wish Lists and Snack Drives
Easily donate food for our snack pantry or weekly snack cart at Doernbecher Hospital, or a Bedside Buddy for a newly admitted child through our Amazon Wishlists.

If you would like to organize a drive for Food or Bedside Buddies outside of our Amazon wishlist list, we have a turn-key solution. We’ll drop off a fun collection box and flyers that are sure to generate interest and smiles! Contact Salena to arrange for a dropoff or pickup.

Get creative!
Show your support by hosting a garage sale, house party, bake sale, car wash, or lemonade stand to benefit Candlelighters. Contact Angela for marketing tools like our logo, flyers, or poster ideas.

PresentCandy Cane Lane
Many families with childhood cancer are stretched financially. During the Holidays, they need our help putting presents under the tree. Here’s where you get to be Secret Santa!  Every sponsor will be matched to a family and will be provided the family’s wish list. Sponsors drop off the gifts to Candlelighters to be distributed to families. Contact Salena to learn more about ways to give to Candy Cane Lane 2024.


Do Good & Look Good
Stand Together Against Childhood Cancer
Give Snuggles & Snacks

Fundraising for Businesses

No matter what kind of business you are, there’s a way for your team to fundraise for Candlelighters. Read below for ideas, or come up with your own way to partner with us.

Questions about sponsorship or corporate partner opportunities? Please reach out to Salena.

Employee Giving
Start an employee giving campaign for Candlelighters. For campaign ideas, you can get in touch with Salena. For marketing tools, contact Angela.

Donations & Sponsorships
Make a secure online donation as a corporate gift, or sponsor a Candlelighters program that offers tangible benefits to families facing childhood cancer.

Point of Sale Fundraisers
Host a night or even a month of giving with a point of sale fundraiser or a sales kickback donation. We love working with local restaurants and breweries! Contact Salena to get started.

T-Shirts & Hoodies
Wear your support! Purchase Candlelighters’ new for 2024 Stand Together t-shirt, hoodie, or crewneck to show your support and start a conversation. All net profits go to Candlelighters. Visit to shop!

You can also share our t-shirt fundraiser page on social media to grow the reach of this fundraiser.

Wish Lists and Snack Drives
Easily donate food for our snack pantry or weekly snack cart at Doernbecher Hospital, or a Bedside Buddy for a newly admitted child through our Amazon Wishlists.

If you would like to organize a drive for Food or Bedside Buddies outside of our Amazon wishlist list, we have a turn-key solution. We’ll drop off a fun collection box and flyers that are sure to generate interest and smiles! Contact Salena to arrange for a dropoff or pickup.

PresentCandy Cane Lane
Many families with childhood cancer are stretched financially. During the Holidays, they need our help putting presents under the tree. Here’s where you get to be Secret Santa!  Every sponsor will be matched to a family and will be provided the family’s wish list. Sponsors drop off the gifts to Candlelighters to be distributed to families. Contact Salena to learn more about ways to give to Candy Cane Lane 2024.


Advocacy & Awareness Tools

Sharing your personal connection to childhood cancer is a powerful way to raise awareness and support for Candlelighters. Read below for ideas, or be creative with your own ideas!

Like or follow Candlelighters on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on our work and read inspiring, real-life stories from our families.

Share our website on your social media pages so that your friends and followers can learn more about Candlelighters’ mission and connect with us, too.

Share a quote or experience with childhood cancer. We’ll only share it on social media if you want us to.

And be sure to share others’ stories from our Facebook and Instagram feeds. We love talking about our wonderful, courageous families on social media!

Show your support! With our #StandTogether hoodies, crewnecks  and t-shirts, you can literally wear your support for Candlelighters on your sleeve and help start a conversation.

Post a selfie with a message about Candlelighters, and tag us on Facebook or Instagram.

Use our hashtag #CandlelightersOregon when you tag us on Facebook or Instagram

Share the Love

Meet The Kessing Family

Connor was just 8 years old when he experienced an unexplained brain bleed. At 12, he had his second brain bleed, and this time he lost his short...

The Stumpf family rides for Candlelighters

Candlelighters father and son duo were in the news! Jim and Ryan Stumpf are local business owners who both ride and sponsor Ride for a Child. KOIN 6...

Meet Ride for a Child Cyclist, John

Going into his third year as a Ride for a Child (Candlelighters biggest fundraiser), John Donnelly is leading the training ride schedule and part of...

Elias the Thankful One-Armed Chef

Elias and his family are extremely grateful for the Candy Cane Lane gifts during this past holiday season. Erica, Elias's mom shared, "I cannot...

The Larsens’ Story of Hope

“When you have a story of hope, there’s an obligation to share it with others.” Luke, Lewis’s dad Those who are lucky enough to meet Lewis know he...

Michael’s Story

Kimberly Bruhn is co-Chapter Chair of Southern Oregon Candlelighters. She and her family understand what it's like to go through childhood cancer,...

Meet the Founders of Golf to Give

Meet the Founders of Golf to Give, Darren and Scott As we head into peak Golf season in the NW, one event we look forward to each year is the Golf...

Volunteer Spotlight: Natasha Strength

About Ride for a Child Ride for a Child (RFAC) is Candlelighters biggest, and longest running fundraiser. The cyclists who ride and fundraise are a...

The Clifton Family

Meet the Cliffton Family Aaron (Dad) Melissa (Mom), Jerry (Big Brother), Addy Jo (Little Sister) and Mckinley (Littlest Sister) Tell us about your...

Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Holt

About Ride for a Child Ride for a Child (RFAC) is Candlelighters biggest, and longest running fundraiser. The cyclists who ride and fundraise are a...
Do Good & Look Good
Stand Together Against Childhood Cancer


Give back to Candlelighters with our Amazon Wishlists, or donate a gift card for stocking refrigerated meals for families at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital!

Amazon Wish Lists
Purchases from Candlelighters Amazon Wish Lists help kids and their families who are going through treatment. A Bedside Buddy welcomes a newly admitted child,  items for our snack pantry and weekly snack cart at Doernbecher are much appreciated for meals and snacks at all hours, during long hospital stays.  Simply view the wish list, add items to your cart, and check out. Wish list items are automatically shipped directly to Candlelighters.

If you would like to organize a drive for Bedside Buddies or Snacks & Food, we have a turnkey drive kit for you! Contact Salena or fill out this form to get started.

Gift Cards
In addition to the snack pantry at Doernbecher, we also stock the refrigerator with salads, sandwiches, and other fresh meals for families at the hospital. If you’d like to support these efforts, we gladly accept gift card donations for Costco, Safeway, and Fred Meyer.

You can mail gift cards to our office:

Candlelighters For Children With Cancer
6600 SW 92nd Avenue, Suite 160
Portland, OR 97223


Candy Cane Lane
Many families with childhood cancer are stretched financially. During the Holidays, they need our help putting presents under the tree. We work with the hospital social workers to prioritize those families with the most urgent financial need, so they can experience a joyful, gift-filled holiday season. Here’s where you get to be Secret Santa!  Every sponsor will be matched to a family and will be provided the family’s wish list. Sponsors drop off the gifts to Candlelighters to be distributed to families. Contact Camille to learn more about ways to give to Candy Cane Lane 2023.

Stay up to date with Candlelighters!

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