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Here for Hope in September
Sunset Sips Hawaii
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


A question we ask each day is: How does our community spark hope in the face of childhood cancer? A stuffed animal to provide comfort at the beginning of treatment? New friends at Candlelighters Family Camp? It could be as simple as a heating bill paid, or knowing that tears of grief are felt and understood. No matter what we are facing, we are all here for hope. Read more for ways to get involved during September, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and sustain hope throughout the year.


Here for Hope shirt fundraiser“Here for Hope” Fundraiser
Now’s the time to wear your support! New tee shirts, hoodies and crew neck sweatshirts are available in adult and youth sizes. Choose from multiple colors.
100% of funds raised from Here for Hope shirts go toward Candlelighters Programs that connect and assist local families facing childhood cancer.  Purchase here.


Sunset Sips HawaiiTrip to Hawaii Fundraiser: Now-September 29.

Thanks to a generous supporter, we’re raffling off a dream vacation in Maui!

Only 100 tickets will be sold between now and Sept. 29, so the odds are in your favor to win 5 nights in your own condo at the Napili Surf Beach Report on Maui, plus a $500 airline credit! Get your tickets here. Winner announced on September 29!




Sunset SipsSunset Sips: Friday, September 29
Join us for an intimate evening on Lake Oswego on September 29 from 5:30-8:30PM.

We’ll enjoy sunset boat rides, hors d’oeuvres, and of course, wine. Together, we will raise a glass, as well as awareness and support, for local kids and their families battling childhood cancer. Space is limited and we don’t want you to miss out so please get your tickets today!



Ride for a Child: Now-September 29
From September 9th-16th, a team of cyclists fundraising for Candlelighters will ride about 400 miles through the Willamette Valley wine country to the coast. Why do they do it? To raise funds for Candlelighters, as they have been for over 22 years!
Meet the Honored Children, and learn how to support Candlelighters 22nd Ride For A Child team.




Frog Pond Farm Volunteer Opportunity: Wednesday, October 18
We’re celebrating Fall with Candlelighters families at Frog Pond Farm, on October 18. Families will wander the farm, feed the animals, bounce, play games, and enjoy their new play structure.
We’re looking for volunteers who want to make the experience sweeter – by dressing up and handing out candy to the kiddos. If you or your business are interested in learning more, email Camille.



Click on the links for more ways to partner or give, or email Camille.