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The Luminaries Youth Program
The Luminaries

The Luminaries is Candlelighters’ youth and young adult program open to anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer—or their sibling—and is aged 13–21.The goal is increasing positive social interactions and building leadership skills – while having fun! The Luminaries youth program’s mission is to provide spaces for kids and young adults who have experienced cancer and their youth siblings to connect, grow, and support one another.

We’re excited to plan more in-person gatherings like parties, outings and celebrations! In the past, we’ve had outings on Lake Oswego, played trivia online, gone to a movie, met for craft nights, helped with fundraisers, made encouraging videos, and attended sports events. Join us!

The Luminaries meet over zoom every Thursday afternoon at 4:40, and chat on discord regularly.  We’d  are open to new members, and would love to see you there.

Email Lisa for information on how to join!

Learn more about one of our Luminaries leaders, Garrett, and how joining The Luminaries opened up a new world for him after his diagnosis at 16, or watch Sierra’s dance to “Warrior”—a beautiful interpretation of her cancer journey. Watch teen survivor Joey and his mom talk about their cancer journey on the news, and how the Luminaries has become an important community of support in their world. You can also check out the Luminaries playlist on YouTube.
