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Thull Family

Jared was 11 years old when he got sick. Just about to graduate from 5th grade. It took some time to get a diagnosis. June 18, 2018, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) subtype b high risk. He is in long term maintenance and is expected to be off treatment Sept. 30, 2021. Jared is a very social creature and loves doing things with his family and friends. He loves to swim and hike. Jared, like most almost -14 -year- olds, loves his video games, too. His favorite movie is all of the Alien movies and the original The Thing. He has loved horror films since he was little. Jared lives with his mom, step dad, sister and step brother. He also shares the house with a very plump orange kitty named Artemis, black kinda mean kitty named Aidos, and a very rambunctious yellow lab puppy, Radar.

Candlelighters have been a Godsend to us. It is really hard to manage everyday life or even care about it when you are in the eye of the storm with your child. I was so busy and lost. All of the sudden the electric bill was 2 months behind and candlelighters made it so i didn’t have to worry – they paid it in full and then some. I’m not sure what we would have done. Through this, the connections that we have made through candlelighters have been the highlight of this cancer journey. We have a new family and we are so happy to be a part of it. We are all in this together. It takes a village and candlelighters is our village. Kimberly (Carnegie-Brun, Southern Oregon Candlelighters Chapter Chair) has been there for my family since the beginning. She has made multiple hospital admissions so much better by bringing Jared all sorts of stuff to help get his mind off of what’s going on.

Jared could not limit his favorite Candlelighters activity to one but he could get it down to three. He loved the jetboats – the whole family went and just had so much fun! He also really loved when we went bowling with all our Candlelighters friends. He got to help out with the pie auction that the southern Oregon snowmobilers had. He got to hold up all the pies and walk them around while people bid on them. He was so proud that he got to help raise money for the cause.

This journey is hard, oh so hard, but my family has always tried to take everything in stride and have the best time we can. Candlelighters have been there for us in ways no one else could be. The families in candlelighters have become my comrades in this war. WE will fight for our babies and we will always be a part of the Candleighters family. We feel so blessed and lucky to have you all in our life!

-Nicole Thull

Volunteer Spotlight

The Stumpf family rides for Candlelighters

Candlelighters father and son duo were in the news! Jim and Ryan Stumpf are local business owners who both ride and sponsor Ride for a Child. KOIN 6 recently interviewed them about their family's involvement in both fundraising and event volunteering. Or read the...

Meet Ride for a Child Cyclist, John

Going into his third year as a Ride for a Child (Candlelighters biggest fundraiser), John Donnelly is leading the training ride schedule and part of the planning committee. We're happy to have him on the team, and wanted to learn more about him through a Q&A. Q:...

Welcome Jason Frankel

Welcome, Jason Frankel. Welcome our newest Candlelighters Board Member, Jason Frankel. Jason’s first encounter with Candlelighters was close to 7 years ago when a friend asked if he would donate an evening at his house for the silent auction. After that event, he...

Michael’s Story

Kimberly Bruhn is co-Chapter Chair of Southern Oregon Candlelighters. She and her family understand what it's like to go through childhood cancer, from the shock of diagnosis to the grief of loss of their son Michael. Below, she shares what it was like for the Bruhn...

Meet the Founders of Golf to Give

Meet the Founders of Golf to Give, Darren and Scott As we head into peak Golf season in the NW, one event we look forward to each year is the Golf to Give Challenge. In terms of fun and fundraising, it exceeds expectations each and every year. We talked to the...

Volunteer Spotlight: Natasha Strength

About Ride for a Child Ride for a Child (RFAC) is Candlelighters biggest, and longest running fundraiser. The cyclists who ride and fundraise are a super-dedicated group of volunteers. In this case, volunteering means miles of training to prepare for the weeklong...

Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Holt

About Ride for a Child Ride for a Child (RFAC) is Candlelighters biggest, and longest running fundraiser. The cyclists who ride and fundraise are a super-dedicated group of volunteers. In this case, volunteering means miles of training to prepare for the weeklong...

A Letter from Melissa Rose, Board President

Excitement is in the air at Candlelighters! From our board and staff, to our amazing volunteers and community partners, we eagerly greet the promise of this new year.   I feel so honored to step into the role of board president at this time. As an organization,...

“Volunteering Empowered Me”

"I started volunteering with the Mid-Willamette Valley chapter in 2019 after my niece was diagnosed with ALL at the age of two. I helped as much as I was able but I felt very powerless to make any difference in all that was going on in their lives. Journey was...

Partner Spotlight: Don Jones of John L. Scott

We know that Don Jones of John L Scott Real Estate has been a rider and that John L Scott has been a  sponsor of Ride for a Child for years. But we wanted to learn more about the how and why he chose to give to Ride for a Child...Here's his story. Q How did you get...