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Meet The Kessing Family
The Kassing Family Nike Freestyle event

Connor (center), Mayte (second from left) and Steven (far right) Kassing.

Connor was just 8 years old when he experienced an unexplained brain bleed. At 12, he had his second brain bleed, and this time he lost his short term memory, the ability to walk and the ability to feed himself. When tests revealed a brain tumor, Connor and his family’s lives were turned upside down. Four months later, he suffered his third brain bleed, followed with a 14 hour surgery to remove approximately 40% of his tumor.

Throughout the challenges of Connor’s medical journey, his parents were determined to provide a sense of normalcy and stability for both Connor and his older sister. Knowing that Connor’s unique medical situation would set him apart from his friends at school, they looked for solutions. At Candlelighters, they found a lifeline not just for Connor, but for the whole family. Connor’s dad, Steven, says,

“Candlelighters has provided Connor with connections, friends, and events with an amazing group of kids, families, and program coordinators that truly understand him.”

Connor’s tumor requires ongoing treatment, and will for the foreseeable future. In spite of the uncertainty ahead, Connor – now a freshman in high school – remains positive. He is known at Candlelighters events for his warm smile, quick laugh and big hugs. He has a large group of friends, plays percussion in the high school band, plays piano, and enjoys doing anything artistic. His memory is improving, and he is walking without any help. He recently released an official Nike shoe design through the Nike/Doernbecher’s Freestyle program that went on to win a record-setting bid. Congratulations, Connor!

There is no doubt that for Connor and his family, life is different than they expected before his tumor diagnosis. But the Candlelighters community has helped them define a new normal, a place to belong and even to thrive. Take it from Connor’s family, the Candlelighters community makes a difference:

“Your support does more than you can likely imagine.
Beyond the smiles and laughter that exist at Candlelighters events, there are hearts and minds that are being cared for. Thank you from the kids and the families!“

Survivors like Connor face a long road ahead. Now, more than ever, support beyond the walls of the hospital is critical to the well-being of the whole family facing pediatric cancer.

You can help Candlelighters continue its lasting legacy of hope for local families like Connor’s by donating, following us on social media and sharing about Candlelighters, attending or hosting a fundraiser, a food pantry or bedside buddy drive, and more.

Volunteer Spotlight

The Stumpf family rides for Candlelighters

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Michael’s Story

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Volunteer Spotlight: Natasha Strength

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Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Holt

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A Letter from Melissa Rose, Board President

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“Volunteering Empowered Me”

"I started volunteering with the Mid-Willamette Valley chapter in 2019 after my niece was diagnosed with ALL at the age of two. I helped as much as I was able but I felt very powerless to make any difference in all that was going on in their lives. Journey was...

Partner Spotlight: Don Jones of John L. Scott

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