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Layla the Warrior Princess
5 year old Layla was diagnosed with T-Cell ALL right before Thanksgiving 2020. Her mom, Sable, says “Layla has been resilient beyond expectations, and been the strongest little warrior princess. Her attitude has remained fairly positive despite some pretty low points. The beginning, consolidation phase, was extremely hard, and we would spend weeks away from home (1.5 hours and 75 miles). It would usually just be her and I out there at the hospital during the long weeks as her dad isn’t around too much, and her stepdad had to stay home to work. We are blessed to have their nana to keep our boys for us.”
The timing of her diagnosis had it’s own challenges, “It was insanely tough and heartbreaking. Covid made it worse as I (her mom) was alone when finding out that she had cancer.The first night in the hospital they had to drain her chest and put a drain tube in. She had a large mass compressing her lungs and heart. Her heart was failing. They weren’t sure she would make it. I remember being so numb- I was running off pure adrenaline and prayer that night.”
The family has 3 children in total- a 7yo boy, cancer warrior Layla (5yo now-4 when diagnosed), and a 3 yo boy. At almost a year into Layla’s diagnosis, they are transitioning into maintenance. “I’ve heard maintenance is easier, so I’m hopeful… it’s been a tough year. She finishes treatment on April 20, 2023 if all goes to plan.” Says Layla’s mom.
When asked what advice she would give to parents of a newly diagnosed child, Sable says ” Lean on friends and family, as well as your community for help. It’s an impossibly tough time, and community can be an amazing thing. And above all- stay strong, your babies need you and your strength and love.”