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KeyBank is a proud supporter of the Luminaries, and is offering quarterly interactive Banking 101 workshops for all family members 13 and over. We hosted the first workshop in the series of 4 on November 9th, to rave reviews! Stay tuned for a date for Workshop 2 coming soon. If you’d like to be notified when the date is posted, please email Lisa.
KeyBank will cover  topics such as:
  • The purpose and the necessity of a bank
  • Basic accounts: Checking, Savings
  • Debit and Credit cards: What is the difference between the two
  • Online Banking: An integral part of your day to day banking.

Parents are encouraged to attend with their teen or young adult. Attendance to all 4 the workshops is recommended, but we’ll welcome newcomers at any time.

These workshops will be led by Prashant Varma, a seasoned, award-winning Branch Manager with 16 years of experience in Business
and Community development in the Financial industry throughout the Greater Portland area.Over his past 12 years as a proven leader at KeyBank, his passion and goals have been to bring financial awareness and literacy to individuals by providing sound advice and guidance, tools and resources along their financial journey. He is a coach, mentor and a leader. He enjoys travelling and exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest with his family.